Filler Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

Getting older can be as rewarding as it is frustrating. On the one hand, the older we get, the more we become comfortable in our skin. However, on the other hand, aging can also cause issues with our health, mobility, and even the appearance of the skin. Luckily, there are various remedies designed to address the latter. For instance, Dermal Fillers are one common way to address some issues concerning aging skin. The following is an overview of Dermal Fillers, such as JUVÉDERM, their benefits, side effects, and what to expect during and after your appointment.

What are Dermal Fillers?

Dermal Fillers are a revolutionary method of addressing lines and wrinkles on the face. Also known as JUVÉDERM or wrinkle fillers, these fillers have a gel-like texture. These fillers are made from the naturally occurring chemical hyaluronic acid, which is used by the skin to create volume, carry nutrients, and keep the skin soft. They are turned into injectables and injected directly into the skin to offset the deterioration of targeted skin tissues.

Dermal fillers were created to treat wrinkles, but they can do much more. These fillers can also be used to treat skin issues such as folds and restore skin volume, which can lead to skin hollows when left untreated. They can also help the skin appear plumper and smoother in general.

To clarify, although they are injected into the skin, Dermal Fillers are designed to disappear over time. This means the fillers leave the body rather than remain in the bloodstream. The process was created to stimulate the synthesis, allowing the body to produce more collagen on its own in areas such as the chin, lips, cheeks, and beneath the eyes.


How Volume Loss Affects the Face

Your face will lose volume as you age, which will change your appearance over time. Your genes and habits can also be paramount in terms of how your skin looks and changes over the years. If you drink, smoke, sunbathe, and do not use sunscreen, this will result in more lines and wrinkles on the face.

Do Injectable Fillers Help with Parentheses Lines?

Parentheses lines, also known as smile lines, are lines that often develop on either side of the mouth. These lines are typically not very apparent but often become more pronounced as we age. Dermal Fillers can help treat them. These fillers can make a face look younger and more vibrant.

Injectable Gel Fillers Implications       

  • Dermal Fillers may be injected into the lips and surrounding areas to support augmentations.
  • This injectable gel is also used to boost the appearance of the perioral line and for lip augmentation.
  • In order to restore lost volume in aging adults, these injectable gel fillers are injected into the deepest layer of the skin layer within the cheek to restore lost volume.
  • Dermal Filler gel can also help correct severe facial folds by injecting it into facial skin, including in the nasolabial folds.

Do Injectable Fillers Help with Parentheses Lines?

Also known as laugh lines, parentheses lines are lines that can develop on either side of the mouth. Although they are usually subtle, they can become more and more pronounced as we continue to age. Luckily, JUVÉDERM is meant to treat these lines. It can make them far less noticeable, making the entire face appear younger and more vibrant.


About the Procedure

Although the procedure may sound painful and intimidating, it is actually not as scary as it seems. This is because these injections contain lidocaine, which can lessen discomfort; you can also request anesthesia, which can totally numb the areas and prevent you from feeling pain during the procedure.

Either way, once you have determined that you will be getting the procedure, you will simply receive the injections in order to administer the treatments. The areas will first be sanitized, and once the process is complete, you will then be able to recover.

What are the After Care Instructions?

The after-care instructions are as follows:

  • Do not touch any of the treated areas for at least 12 hours after being treated.
  • Don’t wear makeup for at least 45 minutes after your treatment.
  • To allow the product to settle into the tissues, minimize mouth motion for 24 hours.
  • Absolutely NO heavy lifting or straining for at least 12 hours after treatment.
  • Avoid forceful scrubs and aggressive exfoliation in the area of treatment for 72 hours.
  • You may experience dry or itchy skin after the injections.
  • Use OTC medications to help with mild bruising, discomfort, bruising, and swelling after the injections.
  • Sleep on your back with your head slightly elevated for 24 to 48 after the treatment.

Potential Side Effects

Generally speaking, the side effects of Dermal Fillers, such as JUVÉDERM, are relatively mild and uncommon. However, the potential side effects include the following:

  • Tenderness
  • Bruising
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Pain
  • Itching
  • Rash
  • Difficulty in performing activities (This issue has solely been observed when patients get injections in the back of the hand.)

Looking for Dermal Filler Treatment in Los Angeles, CA?

Are you seeking Dermal Filler services in Los Angeles? We’re here to help! JUVÉDERM injectable fillers are a well-known way to help reduce wrinkles, folds, and other unsightly lines that often appear on the face due to aging and other natural factors. There is no need to waste your valuable time and energy searching for the best place to receive your Dermal Filler; let On-Site Medspa bring the treatment to you. Offering a wide array of cosmetic treatments to people from all walks of life, our team of professionals can administer these treatments in the comfort of your home, office, or any comfortable and safe location. Best of all, we can provide this treatment on a solo level, or we do whole groups if preferred. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and for more information.

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